Monday, January 10

Snail Mail

Hola a todos y todas!

Some of you have been asking for my mailing address, and this is what was given to me in my orientation handbook!

Allyson Vertigan, IPSL Quito
c/o Programas Internacionales
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Campus Cumbayá: Diego de Robles S/N y Pampite,
Urb. Jardines del Este
PO Box 17-12-841

I hope you all are well!
Con amor-


  1. This is the longest address in the history of the world! I hope you get lots of wonderful mail. I miss you!!!

  2. Isn't it ridiculous?? hahaha
    I MISS YOU TOO. you probably don't have to refill your candy dish as much, though!
