Sunday, December 18

A Wee Bit Early

I have figured out my new years resolution. Just one. It was brought to my attention in an adult education session at my church at the beginning of Advent. The idea is simple: spend according to your values. This idea has been on my heart during a season especially associated with spending money. Throughout the course of my life, it's very fair to say that I have not always spent money responsibly. I purchase things I want, or that others want. I don't really think about the impact of my spending.

In this new year fast approaching, I enter into covenant with God to identify my core values (via conversation with close ones and a prayer retreat offered by the leadership of my church); commit them to memory through meditation, prayer, and practice; acknowledge them daily in places I frequent (a list written on a note card taped to a mirror, a "sticky note" on my desktop, a list in my calendar); and make financial decisions based on these values.

I understand that there are portions of my financial commitments that cannot be changed (rent, bills, church pledge), yet there are things that I can control.

For example:
I do not value gluttony and excess, so I will not eat out as often as I have thus far in my life.
I do not value commercialism and materialism, so I will not purchase goods simply because they are on sale or because I have a coupon.
I do value equity and justice, so when I feel compelled to give someone a gift for a birthday or other special occasion, I will make a fair trade purchase.

There is much to learn, much to prepare. Praise God for the season of Advent, that has taught me how to wait and get ready. Amen.

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